The WAAS G-II provides the most accurate reference signal measurements available. Designed to meet demanding performance requirements, the WAAS G-II incorporates NovAtel's patented Narrow Correlator® tracking technology. With low angle satellite tracking and fast reacquisition, Narrow Correlator enhances the reception of satellite data for highly accurate range measurements. In addition, SafeTrak™ algorithm increases reliability by detecting and eliminating cross-correlation.
Improved multipath elimination
NovAtel's WAAS reference receivers lead the world in multipath mitigation with our patented MEDLL® technology. Enhanced algorithms and increased RF bandwidth provide a 50 percent improvement in MEDLL performance.
Signal quality monitoring
The WAAS G-II also offers Signal Quality Monitoring (SQM) measurements to monitor the quality of the incoming signal and detect satellite failures. Multiple correlators provide real time data to conduct satellite signal quality monitoring over the full ICAO threat space.
Exceptional interference rejection
The WAAS G-II incorporates nearly ten years of technical innovation developed for SBAS networks around the world. This research has resulted in superior protection against RF interference, which is often found in areas with high communication traffic such as air traffic control centers. This includes digital pulse blanking on the L2 signal to mitigate against in-band interference from radar and pulsed DMEs.