NovAtel is a corporate entity based in Canada and supports a ‘Conflict Minerals’ free supply chain. NovAtel takes reasonable efforts to avoid use in its products of raw materials that directly or indirectly finance armed groups who violate human rights. NovAtel uses and encourages its suppliers to use the OECD Due Diligence Guidance (available at as part of the due diligence process to determine the source and chain of custody of the conflict minerals in the assemblies, parts or components supplied to NovAtel.
All suppliers are required to comply with NovAtel’s Supplier Requirements Manual, which includes requirements relating to conflict minerals and responsible sourcing. NovAtel sources 3TG minerals indirectly and uses reasonable commercial efforts to investigate and determine the source of ‘Conflict Minerals’. To support these efforts, NovAtel uses the RMI Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) and rely upon the RMAP Smelter Database and RCOI information. NovAtel has identified suppliers that provide components and products likely to contain 3TG and Cobalt and require them to complete an RMI CMRT file annually.
NovAtel, to best of its knowledge, represents and certifies that it does not receive any materials or products containing cassiterite (tin), coltan (tantalum), wolframite (tungsten) or gold (known as “3TG minerals”) sourced from the Democratic Republic of Congo or adjoining countries (known as “Covered Countries”).
Link CMRT Request: D17920