Combined Systems

SPAN® GNSS+INS Combined Systems

Single enclosure GPS+INS systems are ideal for space constrained applications, integrating GPS receiver technology with Fiber Optic Gyros (FOG) and Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems (MEMS) accelerometer inertial components in a single compact unit. Deep coupling of the GPS and INS technologies in one enclosure optimises the raw GPS and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data, delivering a superior position, velocity and attitude solution with enhanced signal tracking.


PwrPak7 E1 and E2


The PwrPak7-E1 is a compact OEM7™ enclosure that delivers NovAtel's leading SPAN® GNSS+INS technology.

PwrPak7D E1 and E2


A compact dual antenna enclosure that delivers NovAtel’s leading SPAN® GNSS+INS technology.

PwrPak7 E1 and E2


The PwrPak7-E2 is an advanced OEM receiver that provides an all-constellation, multi-frequency positioning solution.

PwrPak7D E1 and E2


The PwrPak7D-E2 is an advanced OEM7® dual antenna SPAN® GNSS+INS enclosure that provides improved performance and higher data rate.

A CPT7 product enclosure with dual antenna ports and four receiver LED status lights on a white background.

Dual-antenna CPT7 enclosure with GNSS+INS technology

The CPT7 is an ultra-compact, light-weight, dual-antenna enclosure with SPAN technology that delivers 3D position, heading, velocity and attitude.

A CPT7700 product enclosure with a single antenna port and four receiver LED status lights on a white background.

Single-antenna CPT7700 enclosure with GNSS+INS technology

The CPT7700 is an ultra-compact, light-weight, single-antenna enclosure with SPAN GNSS+INS technology delivering 3D positioning, velocity and attitude.