Velocity 2023

Brazilian citrus industry ripe for autonomous sprayer shift

Agriculture equipment manufacturer Jacto is leveraging GNSS to provide highly accurate and reliable positioning for autonomous sprayers to operate continuously and safely 24/7/365.

Mitigating jamming and spoofing with GRIT

GNSS Resilience and Integrity Technology (GRIT) demonstrates it can successfully protect against jamming and spoofing trials in Norway.

Enabling LEO signals for more resilient PNT

A collaboration between Hexagon | NovAtel, Spirent and Xona Space Systems is pushing the low Earth orbit (LEO) movement forward.

Sensor fusion and its role in safe autonomy

How additional sensors can enhance GNSS and inertial data in real-world scenarios.

Vibration, the not so silent killer of INS

The impacts of vibration on inertial navigation systems and ways to mitigate its effects.

Student race car designers driving autonomous innovation

Student teams find innovative ways to leverage advanced positioning technologies in prototype electric and driverless vehicle designs.