Velocity 2013

Bringing the GNSS Age to Agriculture

Deep integration of NovAtel and Stara technologies brings custom, flexible solutions to the precision farming market.

ACES High; Geophones Below

GNSS antennas are at the forward edge of science and industry. The Columbus module on the ISS is using a NovAtel custom antenna array. Back on earth, Sercel's innovative approach to surveying saves time and money.

From Fledgling to Flight

An engineering team describes the development and testing of a GNSS/inertial system that uses relative navigation techniques.

Understanding the Difference Between Anti-Spoofing and Anti-Jamming

A look at the threat to everyday life transactions/activities due to GNSS denial.

The Pit, The Bit, and the Benefit

Flander's advanced mining technology facilitates quick recovery of investment costs and drill control in Arizona open pit copper mine.

Road Test

Innovative "driving examination system" helps the national police agency responsible for issuing drivers licenses in China.

Smarter. Faster. Leaner.

Efficient supply chain and product development processes essential to quick delivery and customer flexibility.